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Writer's pictureJonathan Roiz


The Hope Movement is supporting our brother and missionary in Kenya. He is passionate about spreading the gospel and church planting. Please consider donating to support these important efforts for the Kingdom of God.

A Brief Background

Spiritually speaking, Tanzania is a very dark country. As far as Biblical Christianity (reformed faith) is concerned, Tanzania is among the countries experiencing the blackest of darkness!

The government is very much opposed to foreign gospel workers. Due to hostile government policies, many foreign missionaries cannot access the country, those who were already in the country have been forced to leave while the remaining ones are packing their bags.

The Mission Trip

We spent the night in Tanga and left the following day for Dar-es-salaam.

Tanga and Dar-es-salaam are Tanzania's coastal cities with Dar-es-salaam being the largest commercial city.

With a population of 6.4 million people, Dar-es-salaam is the most populous city in Tanzania and is estimated to be the fifth most populous in Africa.

While in Dar-es-salaam, we were hosted by pastor Chacha Mwita of International Baptist Church (see photo below)

My ministry focus in Dar-es-salaam was (and will be) to train pastors towards biblical (reformed) pastoral ministry and expose university students to reformed resources (literature, audios, and videos).

The Lord flung doors wide open and helped me meet pastors for a one-day meeting (see photo below)

The Lord also helped me meet the Pentecostal Christian Society Students’ leaders of Dar-es-salaam University (see photos below) who agreed to be receiving books, audios, and videos from our local church; read and listen and write reports on the lessons learned.

Upcoming Mission Trip

I will be back in Tanzania at the end of this month to take books to the university students and have three days conference with the pastors.

Also, I will be visiting Zanzibar. Zanzibar is a Tanzanian Island whose population is 98% Muslims. During my last trip, a brother in Zanzibar asked if I could visit him there and see how we can partner for the cause of the gospel. I was not able to visit him for I had not budgeted for the trip. I am trusting the Lord to visit him this time (see Zanzibar in the Google map photo below)

How to Pray and Support

Pray with me as follows:

  1. Pray for fruitful labors. Pray that the Lord will bless these feeble attempts with a reformation in the Tanzanian church.

  2. Pray and consider supporting my upcoming trip. I am raising 150 dollars (15,000/-) for my next trip which will be at the end of this month.

  3. Pray that the Lord will open more doors and that the truth will advance more rapidly. Pray that pastors will be convicted about doing ministry and shepherding their churches the biblical way.

  4. Pray for more labourers to join me and help especially with the pastors conferences.

  5. Pray that I will get enough books to be taking to the university students.

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