United Ministries Gospel Outreach
April – June 2020
The area where we live is under Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it started on March 15, 2020. Only one person is allowed to go out from every household to buy essentials on a scheduled basis. Public Transportation was put on a halt, so you have to walk to buy. We learned that our previous landlord was giving away eggs that were harvested from their poultry farm to the needy neighborhood who were out of jobs due to the quarantine. We joined them by contributing money to add to relief food packs. Their son is a front liner (fireman) and has the advantage to go out and buy groceries in bulk so that’s a plus. He and his sister did the shopping a great blessing since we are very limited and not allowed out of our area, they were able to facilitate the buying and distributing of the relief goods. 20 families were given relief goods. That was an answer to prayer for us as a ministry to be able to reach out in joint efforts and bless our neighbors and those in need.
Since we're not allowed to go out aside from just buying essentials we spend our time reading praying and ministering through answering questions by other people sent through private messages. Picture here with us is our previous landlord Erma and Johan her grandson who initiated the giving to help the neighbors.

Were still under community quarantine. Children and Senior Citizens were not allowed to go out. We devote our time to reading praying and maintaining our daily lives, it’s been approx. 70 days. A note here from me (Dwight) I have been out only 2 times only to take care of personal banking. I did stop and buy ice cream and hamburgers at McDonald’s……. with a big smile. ha-ha.
Another answered prayer (ID’s and a letter) A great blessing and prayer answered as our BCCL school director mentioned to me (Dwight) that I could get a missionary pass that would enable me to move about freely and do ministry as well as other business.
Upon looking into it and connecting with Jonathan, President of the Hope Movement in America, and our partner in ministry to the Philippines, he quickly responded and within a day or two, we hand two passes and a letter. The ID and letter were presented to our barangay captain and the results where we are able to move about without any limitations in our province of Albay and do our outreach ministry…. A BIG PRAISE TO OUR GOD.
The area is now under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ), they are beginning to ease some of the restrictions and local transportation is beginning to open up slowly in our province.
Prayer answered, we were able to give a variety of books and bibles to the Evangel Bible College in our area. Brother Nelson assisted, he is a great blessing always assisting us with his tricycle as well as information about laws here and where to go to get things done. Being a missionary and foreigner in another country takes time to learn where to go to get things done. It’s a whole new life experience. Grace- God’s Grace.
A joint effort with Brother Nelson and his family to give away relief goods (food packs) to 30 families in his Barangay- Barangay Alcala. This would be impossible without the Lord's grace and the generous giving of UMGO supporters from America who have been so encouraging and consistent in their giving.

- Purchase of relief goods

- Re-packing of relief goods into 30 individual food packs at Nelson's home. A very big thank you to brother Nelson and his family for being a huge help in distributing the food backs in their barangay.

- Cristina packing clothes and toys from the box that came from the US to go with the relief goods. we include gospel tracks and the book of John in each pack…Thank you to our Filipino friends in America for the box, you all are always a great help and blessing to the Filipino community in need.

- House to house distribution of relief goods (food packs, clothing, and toys) to families.

Finally, with the missionary ID, I am able to go to Book store and purchase more Gospel Tracks to put into relief food packs

This is brother Keir, we met him back in 2018 while attending the Bible League Church Planters Conference in Cebu City. He and three others were on the streets passing out gospel tracts. He is in Bible school preparing to be a pastor. He just turned 21. Last week he sent me a message asking how Tin and I were doing, as we chatted, he told me their area in Cebu is under heavy lockdown from COVID 19 and that the numbers were climbing and things were difficult for him and his family. Due to the lockdown, his mother lost her job. I asked if they were getting any help, he said the government sent them $120.00 three months ago and that was it. His sister sent them $10. 00. I asked if we could help by sending them food money, we did to the honor and thanksgiving to our Lord that we were able to help. They were so grateful and glorified God for the blessing. Helping brother Keir and his family in Cebu. God provides and connects his people in times of great difficulties. The food very modest selection should last hopefully for 2 weeks. I often think about Matthew 25:31-46 and Lazarus the beggar at the rich man’ gate (Luke 16:19-31). If it's within our power to do good, by all means, do it. Amen
