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KENYA: Mission Trip Report

Writer: Jonathan RoizJonathan Roiz

We just returned from a mission to Bungoma, Kenya. After a 30 hour journey, we arrived safely. The moment we arrived in Kenya we basically began working. On Day 1 we traveled to a local church where Pastor Frederick pastors. The orphans did a beautiful presentation of worship songs and Bible verse memorization. Shawn and Jonathan tag teamed the message as they shared about the Attributes of God and proclaimed the gospel. We then distributed Bibles in Swahili to people who needed them and later that evening we distributed donations as we brought with us 250 pounds of clothing and shoes. This was a wonderful time we spent with our orphaned children who are in our care.

Day 2 we traveled to St. Elizabeth's Primary School, a public school where The Hope Movement installed a water well pump providing water for all 500 students and 5,000 in the community. We were able to visit the well and see it being used by the children. We then met with the school staff and the students. Shawn shared his testimony of being an atheist and now a believer in Christ. Jonathan shared a gospel presentation. From there we traveled down dirt roads to a small church building made of mud. There we taught theology and a sermon on Christ throughout the Scriptures. At the end of the sermon, an elderly woman walked up to us, layed a cloth on the dirt floor and knelt down and with tears in her eyes said she wants Christ. We explained to her about repentance and Christian living and we prayed. As we were praying Pastor Frederick whispered to Jonathan and translated what she was saying in Swahili, she was repenting of her sins. Pray that this was genuine repentance and that she will grow in Christ.

Day 3 we traveled once again through dirt roads to a newly planted home church. They had a tent in the front and greeted us with drums and song. There we shared the attributes of God and Jonathan shared a special word of encouragement and message of warning for this church. The moment the sermon was over it began to rain so strong it blew away the tent. We all crammed inside of this small home with no electricity. They gave us something to drink and snacks. Then children came in a sang a worship song. From there we jumped into the vehicle and drove 30-40 minutes to another church. This church is located in an area with much false teaching. Shawn preached on the divinity of Christ and Jonathan on what it means to be a follower of Christ.

Day 4 was an amazing day with 2 separate sermon sessions. First, we had all the orphans and members of the church. The children did a beautiful song and bible verse memorization presentation. There we were able to teach theology and present the gospel. Later Jonathan taught on a verse by verse breakdown of Ephesians 5. Then after lunch, we returned to the church and preached for 2 hours on the Doctrines of Grace. It was beautiful to see God glorified, people receiving, accepting and loving the truth of God's word. In closing that day we distributed once again more clothing to the children.

Day 5 was our final day in Kenya. We were on our way to church and the car broke down and so we got into an auto rickshaw and arrived at the church. There was a beautiful time of worship and then Shawn shared on the great commission. Then Jonathan preached the final sermon, a verse by verse exposition of Philippians 2. From there we ate one last lunch together and then traveled 2 hours to Kisumu, the first of 4 airports. While there a tropical type storm came through and the electricity turned off several times in the airport. After a delay in the flight we were on our way to return to our families in the U.S. but with joy in our hearts and love for the people we met as the gospel was proclaimed and God was glorified.

We need your help to continue this work in Kenya. Please consider becoming a donor so that we can care for all 120 orphans, build a primary school and home for the children and continue to train churches and distribute Bibles in Swahili all for the glory of God alone.


© 2022 by The Hope Movement. SOLI DEO GLORIA

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