While we were conducting street outreach in Baltimore city on North Ave. on December 2, 2017 where we conducted a "Celebration for Jesus" at our Haven of Hope Community Garden we met a man named Reginald. Reginald lives on the streets, struggles with addiction, abandoned by family and recently lost his mother. He came to the garden and wanted to speak with Linda a member of our team, most likely he need a motherly conversation. Reginald was deeply depressed and was considering to take his own life. Linda spent much time with him listening to him, counseling him, praying with him and wiping away his tears. Later Jonathan came and shared with Reginald the Gospel, how we waste so much time here on earth living in rebellion against God and we need to think eternally. By God's providence we were there at that moment for Reginald to come to seek prayer and for him to hear the Gospel. How great is our God, sovereign in all things and the source of all goodness.
We exchanged contact information with Reginald and continue to lift him up in prayer and we ask you all to do the same. Let us pray that God regenerates the heart of Reginald bringing him to salvation, let us pray that he will find peace, a place to live to be stable, a good church with sound teaching and will dedicate his life to live for Christ.
Soli Deo Gloria (Glory To God Alone)