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May God be glorified through all that we do, let it be God who receives the praise for He is worthy, for it is only through Him and by Him that we have been saved and called to work on His behalf to preach the Gospel and help those in need.


There is so much need and we have so much opportunity to meet that need, but we need people like you to stand beside us through prayer and giving to help bring souls to Christ, help the poor, care for the orphan and widow while God is glorified through our acts of love.


Please take some time to learn more about us and please prayerfully consider giving a donation of any amount to one of our many life-changing projects.


Soli Deo Gloria (Glory To God Alone)

Image by Seth Doyle


We understand that we are called to care for the most vulnerable. The Word of God is clear that Christians are to first and foremost minister to the spiritual condition in which we do, but also show compassion for those in need and bring relief. Through collaborations with those in the mission field, we care for orphans, widows, and those in desperate poverty. We provide shelter for those without a home, food for the hungry, scholarships for those without access to education, medical care for the wounded, water for the thirsty, and love unconditionally.



There is a famine throughout the world. Not a lack of food for the body, but a famine of biblical truth about who is God. Humanity worships a god of their imagination or seeks the benefits of God without desiring God and obeying His commands. Churches prefer to entertain the spiritually immature rather than give them the full counsel of God to bring them to maturity. We are passionate about proclaiming the gospel and teaching theology through evangelistic efforts, teachings and training, expository preaching, bible distribution, and church planting.

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We develop resources to edify the body of Christ and to empower the church to proclaim the gospel to the nations in order to make disciples. We write and produce books, videos, podcasts, tracts, and theological educational materials in various languages. We design apparel with biblical messages to assist in evangelistic efforts. We produce music to edify the church. In providing these resources our desire is to see the gospel taken to unreached nations, to see the church mature in biblical truth and God glorified through the passionate evangelistic work of believers around the world.





Disaster Relief: El Salvador

In 2004 The Hope Movement answered the cries of God's servants, Pastor Brando Molina and his beautiful wife, and 4 children. At that time their three boys were 14, 12, and 10 years old and their little girl is 6 years old. They are Pastors of a small church in El Salvador with a passion to bring a positive change within their communities. In taking on this responsibility of helping others they have had to suffer many hardships. Because of heavy rains and poor construction of their roof water was pouring into their home. The items in their home were bring destroyed such as furniture, clothing, and items that reflect their memories. Because of the water pouring into the home, the children became sick, but they had no money to take them to the Doctors, nor did they have the money to provide basic meals to keep their fragile bodies strong. With the help of Marta Noguera we obtained donations to help build a roof for the Molina family and provide needed supplies which were destroyed by the rain.


We Need Your Support Today!

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