May the passion of hearts and the testimony of our actions be Christ-centered and God-glorifying. For our purpose on this earth is to bring God alone glory, our call as Christians is to make disciples through the power of His word.
2003 - 2004: FOUNDING
When our founder started The Hope Movement 14 years ago he was a kid with a dream. No money, no connections, only a pain in his heart for those in need and a calling from God to help them. A few friends, family members, and even strangers heard the cry of his heart and took a chance in believing in him and gave, opening the door to start The Hope Movement.
2005 - 2007: BEGINNINGS
Since then because of your financial support we have built a home for a family in El Salvador, a roof of a church in Costa Rica which now has hundreds of members and supports feeding programs in Haiti, found the family of a child being deported from the U.S. to Mexico, raised awareness about human trafficking, fed the hungry in the Amazons of Iquitos, Peru, fed children in the Philippines.
2008-2017: EXPANSION
Provided mosquito nets in Africa to prevent malaria, fed and evangelized to Muslim and Hindu communities in Bangladesh, provided tens of thousands of meals in Guatemala and Kenya, transformed the lives of children with cleft lip, organized medical missions providing free health care, installed a water well for an indigenous community, evangelized in nearly every continent, preached the Gospel in public schools, started a Bible Institute in Guatemala raising up the next generation of leaders, rescued women and children from abuse, provided education and counseling to hundreds, launched two online weekly theology classes in English and Spanish as well as other teaching series, provided wheelchairs to children and adults, we helped with hurricane relief in the United States, evangelized in the streets,, provided shelter and scholarships for 120 orphans in Kenya, registered as a non-profit in Kenya, transformed vacant lots in Baltimore City into Haven of Hope Community Gardens while proclaiming the gospel, praying with the people and meeting their physical needs.
We over tens of thousands of meals were served, we continued supporting feeding centers in Guatemala. In Kenya, 120 orphans attended school through our scholarships. Orphans received food, shoes, clothing, and housing, over 120 Swahili Bibles were distributed, and we continued our bible school even during the pandemic. In the Philippines, our team Dwight and Cristi Spears were able to assist local churches, provide food to the needy, distribute Bibles and evangelistic materials, assisted with typhoon relief including rebuilding local churches that were destroyed, and shared the gospel to many. In Baltimore, we continued our work with our community garden, evangelizing, and providing food, clothing, and prayer to over 1,000 people. We began a new ministry evangelizing at abortion clinics proclaiming the gospel and rescuing preborn babies from murder. Hope Movement Publications developed new evangelistic shirts, published two books that will be translated into several languages, and we continued our theology education through online video teaching series which reached thousands around the world. Finally, we launched a free online seminary in English and Spanish to help train Christians in biblical theology.